L i f e W e a v i n g C h a r t s
LifeWeaving is a dowsing method that allows you to clear karmic programs and problematic emotional blocks that have been with you throughout many lifetimes. Using these dowsing charts can help to restore your ayni by identifying and quickly eliminating energy that is blocking the synchronicity between you and your surroundings. Note that the charts are set up to work with pendulum dowsing but other intuitive methods such as muscle testing can be used.
Power LifeWeaving Chart

Power LifeWeaving is the foundation chart for the LifeWeaving clearing and healing system. The chart contains dowsing sections for Activities, Affirmations, Responsible To/For, Elements, Call Upon/Use, Chakras, Life Areas, Colors, Archetypes, Body Levels, Mayan Scale of Consciousness, Body Categories, Source of Information, Kingdoms, and Time.
A Chart Key guides the dowser to the different chart options or the alternate charts, or while directional rings in each section guide you to all keywords needed to complete a healing.
Power LifeWeaving Chart
8 1/2 x 11" Color, Laminated
Electronic Version Available
Power Chart pdf file: ~3.9 MB
LifeWeaving Research Chart

LifeWeaving Research works in tandem with the Power chart for the practitioner who wants more information for clearing a problem.
The Research Chart provides the means to test Relationships, Time, Check Instead, Keyword Petals, Blocks, Final Blessing as well as Questions to dowse if you cannot think of what to ask or to insure that all aspects of an issue have been addressed.
LifeWeaving Research Chart
8 1/2 x 11" color, laminated
Electronic Version available:
Research Chart pdf file: ~3.5 MB
PRSM Diagnostic Chart

The Pendulum Research Sourcing Method (PRSM) Chart was developed many years ago when, as an acupuncturist, one dared not use the term "diagnosis" - an activity "owned" by Western medicine.
This dowsing chart is designed to be used along with any other available diagnostic information, client presentation and symptoms, as well as common sense.
Body workers can use the PRSM chart to identify where and what level of the body is involved and affecting the physical body.
PRSM Diagnostic Chart
8 1/2 x 11" color, laminated
Electronic Version available:
PRSM Diagnostic Chart pdf file: ~2.4 MB

Buy All Three Charts
Buy all 3 Laminated Charts
Price: $35.97
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$30.50 delivered electronically from this website.
Which Chart or Charts Should I Buy?
The three LifeWeaving Charts are designed to be used either individually or as a set. The place to start is with the Power LifeWeaving Chart, which allows you to find what will help clear and heal without needing to research deeper into the why's and who's of the story.
The Research Chart can add more details like when, why, who and what to the basic Power LifeWeaving findings. Although this information is not always needed to obtain good blockage clearing, it does give the practitioner and/or client a better understanding of what has been happening and why.
PRSM (Pendulum Research Sourcing Method) Diagnostic Chart is especially useful for energy workers, acupuncturists, massage therapists, etc. as it shows detailed information about where and on what body level a problem resides. Note that this chart must be used in combination with other available diagnostic information, client presentation and symptoms, as well as good common sense.